Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unit One: Oral Tradition and Origin Tales

1. I think that this unit is going to be alot about the mid-evil times. Such as what the people went through to protect thier land. Also a lot about the heros of the old times such as Hercules and maybe Moses. I really dont think this stuff is important but whatevers makes the grade, im with it!!

2. One day, Coyote was walking along. The sun was shining brightly, and Coyote felt very hot.
"I would like a cloud," Coyote said.
So a cloud came and made some shade for Coyote. Coyote was not satisfied.
"I would like more clouds," he said. More clouds came along, and the sky began to look very stormy. But Coyote was still hot.
"How about some rain," said Coyote. The clouds began to sprinkle rain on Coyote.
"More rain," Coyote demanded. The rain became a downpour.
"I would like a creek to put my feet in," said Coyote. So a creek sprang up beside him, and Coyote walked in it to cool off his feet.
"It should be deeper," said Coyote.
The creek became a huge, swirling river. Coyote was swept over and over by the water. Finally, nearly drowned, Coyote was thrown up on the bank far away. When he woke up, the buzzards were watching him, trying to decide if he was dead.
"I'm not dead," Coyote told them, and they flew away.
That is how the Columbia River began

3. This is about a coyote kept asking for more and more luxiours because he was hot. When he kept asking he has drown by the water that he asked for. I like this because i feel as thought beggers cant be choosers. But the good thing about this story is that is how the Columbia River started. This is the largest rive in the Pacific Northwest. They felt this was important to know because the river is very important to them. They use their river to survive.

      To the Onandaga people to was to left up the strong tree to see what was underneath the tree. I know this because the story states, "Then the chief called all the men together and told them they must uproot the tree". This is important because the cheif wouldnt waste his time on petty nonsense. When the tree was uprooted a women feel in the very deep whole. When she fell she was take care of by animals who wanted her to get back to earth because they knew she didnt belong here in the water. I know this because, "I will bring up Earth or die trying." Is what one of the animals said. This is important because they knew they needed to return the woman and help her.

 The next myth i just read was about a great island in this huge body of water. The island had not so much life on it It had no people or crops. Animals that were on the island were told to stay up seven days and seven nights. But more than likly animals got tired and went to sleep every night of the seven. However the plants that were on the island stayed up and wanted to see what was going to happen.
  So the plants were granted to stay green all year long and the owls and mountain lions were made to be up all night.

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